Source: whimsy-love.com
Looking for a creative way to wrap your next vintage gift?
Stick with your theme and opt for vintage wrapping. This can come in the form of pretty retro scarves, soft re-purposed fabrics in gorgeous prints, or yellowed book pages.
You could also make your own brown paper bag wrapping paper, and tie it with a belt! Gather up some fun belt buckles and sashes or belts, and then mix and match until the effect is pleasing.
I love the french blue in two different tones that Nikki used for her gift in the photo above. If you have some fabric that would make a great ribbon, but don’t have belt buckles, try using a festive pin or broach!
What do you think about these ideas? Do you think you’ll steer clear of the standard glossy box-store papers when you wrap your next gift? Leave a comment below with your answer! I can’t wait to hear from you.
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