Whether you’re a chronic thrifter or a vintage lover who loves themselves, learning the secrets to dating vintage is a fun exercise in fashion that helps connect you to your style in an educational and dare I say – enlightening! – way.
This is because buying new means exactly that: IT’S NEW. Borrrrrinnnggggg.
But buying secondhand? We don’t know who wore it, where it was worn, and what memories it marked for the former owner! Were they happy? Were they sad? Were they monumental or life-changing?!
So to have a grasp of a garment’s age – and whether or not it’s vintage in the first place because trust me, these modern clothes can fool ya! – is a valuable skill I want to pass on to you in an easy-to-read list so you can share it with your friends, family and followers.
I repurposed an old article on my site to create this shareable and smile-worthy list: 7 Secrets to Dating Clothing as Vintage. Check it out by clicking below!
<<READ & KEEP: 7 Secrets to Dating Clothing as Vintage >>
I missed a few valuable secrets and would love for you to share what you know in the comments on the post. This article will be read by thousands of eBay customers – let’s educate the masses together!
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