Sequins. Sequins. And, um, more Sequins.

We’re too pretty to care.

I look better on steps.

And they call this comfortable?

I wear fur in the summer – cause I can.

Polka dot onesie = best thing ever.

Hold tight.

Color block tee, anyone?

Here come the locals …

… SDV knows how to play ;-)
For serious, I’m usually … for serious.
But sometimes you just gotta make fun of a photo or two.
La Femme Fete is t-minus 8 days away. Here’s some work from the family models (look out for Selena, her too-pretty-to-care mystique, color block tees, and oh yeah, some slammin’ legs) at LFF next Saturday.
The other models? They were too busy too, um, join. But you’ll see ‘em around.
Like up above. Keep looking.
Sammy Davis Vintage keeps it sassy.
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