May I now present you with … THE SECOND WEBISODE OF SDV-TV ON YOUTUBE!
The Internet is a beautiful place. It was thanks to reconnecting on Facebook that I was reunited with childhood friend Maddie Felix, who is currently living a rockin’ life as the assistant company manager of the hot new show on Broadway Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.
Maddie dropped me a line a few weeks ago encouraging me to check out the show. In her email she said, “We’re trying to get some cool peeps in to spread the word about Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.” SHE CALLED ME COOL! Awwww ;-)
In her outreach, Maddie expressed interest in visiting the SDV showroom to pick up a few vintage pieces for her opening night attire. The official debut of the show on Broadway is TONIGHT, and after watching this video, you’ll see how Maddie and I worked together to style the perfect look with 19th century touch that Andrew Jackson would hopefully call, “Bloody fabulous.”
Want to dress like a character from the show? YOU CAN! Read yesterday’s post to learn how to wear modern vintage for a 19th century look.
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