Nostalgia — that wistful affection for the past — can creep up on us. It’s usually a good feeling, with warm, gooey undertones. You might melt when you catch a whiff of vanilla and cinnamon that reminds you of the house you grew up in, or feel filled with love when you pick up a book that you haven’t seen in years. You can carry that feeling into fashion in a deliberate way by wearing clothes that give your friends that sentimental longing for a happy past. Here are a few ideas.
Vintage Tops

Search for a vintage tee with the name of a band on it, that you used to love. You can also look tees with graphics from restaurants you used to love, vacation spots you visited years ago, camp sites from your childhood, or any other symbol of times gone by. Hi-C or Tang, anyone?

What kind of shoes did you used to wear? Give your friends flash-backs by donning a pair of JellyBean sandals, a la 1991. Yes, they are still being made and sold!
Bring Back Your Characters

Do you remember loving Sonic the Hedgehog, or Rainbow Bright? When you were a kid, your favorite “people” may have been characters from make believe worlds. When my younger sister was born, my parents asked me about what I thought we should name her. I was resolute with my vote for “True Heart”, after my favorite lavandar Care Bear.
The Oldies but Goodies
’70s babies will know how they feel when they see tube socks, or Dippity-Do hair gel. ’80s and ’90s babies will feel nostalgia over other items entirely. Jog, Skip-it, jump-rope down memory-lane and see what you find there. If you feel nostalgic about it, chances are other people will too!
The clothes you wear can help you express your personality, thoughts, and intentions to the world. It’s fun to chose clothes that make people stop and smile, with a memory of their own. What decade were you born in? Share in the comments section below!
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