I’ve never been a Broadway musical fan. Sure, I’ve seen a show or two thanks to my roommate over at Stage Rush, but besides a few free or reduced cost shows, I’ve never shared a passion for the theater more than just as a casual appreciator.
Until now.
The new-to-Broadway show — Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson — has peeked my interest in Broadway musicals, but not for what I hear on the stage … but rather, what I see.
I was invited to attend the opening night of BBAJ, along with attendance to the show’s after party! I’ll be rubbing elbows with the cast, crew and production team of the show while sipping Bloody-tinis and of course, wearing something fabulous & vintage …
My Guest? Why, my roommate and theater blogger Jesse North, of course.
My Outfit? You’ll just have to keep checking back to SDV.com to catch the video on how I chose my outfit [and had a special piece of matching vintage jewelry personally made!] to follow Georgian/Victorian era style.
My Behind-the-Scenes Night? I’ll be filming an episode of SDV-TV at the after party. Expect celebrity sightings, impromptu interviews, a few-too-many Bloody-tinis and a whole lotta SDV fun.
The Story: The show in a nutshell tells the real, raw and realized story of 19th century president and gun-touting Indian/Spaniard killin’ ladies man Andrew Jackson. Undoubtedly the first “rock star” president, Mr. Jackson did what he wanted because he could — which, whether you agree with it or not, helped lay the foundation of a country that wouldn’t take crap from nobody. Ya hear?
The Wardrobe: Not only does the show’s story rock the stage, but its vintage wardrobe works some seriously stylish magic, too. According to show reps, much of the costumes include vintage pieces. But here’s the catch: These aren’t vintage pieces from the 1800s exactly, but rather, 19th century inspired pieces pulled from more modern vintage eras of the 60s through present day.
The Pleasant Catch? If you want to look like a character from Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, you don’t have to visit a museum to do it. You can visit an online vintage shopping destination like Etsy or Market Publique to find the pieces that satisfy your Broadway style craving.
19th Century Style: Read on below for my then-to-now style suggestions on how to dress like you’re on stage for Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson … minus the claustrophobic corsets. And check back tomorrow for an episode of SDV-TV on my pre-show & party plans and styling!
The Look: Military Man
Your Look: Military Marvel
$41, Etsy.com
Buy This Vintage Military Jacket!
The Look: Fringe Fun & Leather Luscious
Your Look: Caramel Fringe for Fall
$55, Etsy.com
Buy This Vintage Caramel Leather Fringe Jacket!
Your Look: Literal Leather
$65, Etsy.com
Buy These Vintage Leather Shorts!
The Look: Rustic Ruffs
Your Look: Real Neck Ruff
$75, Etsy.com
Buy This Vintage Renaissance-Era Lace Cuff!
Your Look: Pretty in Powder Blue Shirt Ruff
$35, Etsy.com
Your Look: Victorian Vixen Ruff
$47, Etsy.com
The Look: Prairie Dresses & Cropped Vest Cuteness
Your Look: Square Dancing Plaid Sensation
$25, Etsy.com
Buy This Vintage Plaid Tulle Dress!
Your Look: Cropped Suede Seduction
$16, Etsy.com
Buy This Suede Vintage Cropped Dress!
The costume designer is my sister Emily Rebholz! So thrilled to see this blog!
Hey Samantha! AWESOME! Your sister was so sweet and she liked what I wore, haha! I just put up the video where I interview her, it’s toward the end. Take a look if you can ;-)
This is AWESOME!!!! Emily Rebholz, INSPIRING!! You captured and perfectly blended grunge, royalty, wild west and 60’s kitch. I adore all of the costumes that I had the honor to see here on Sammy Davis Vintage!!!
Geordannah, I know that you would be TOP NOTCH as a Broadway show costume designer. Oh the visions I have! xx