Source: kre8athome.com
How can you turn a plain old used baking sheet into a work of art? With a little crafty know-how, plus some decoupage skills, that’s how! The final product can be used to hold jewelry in the bathroom, mail in the entryway, or even spices in the kitchen. It can not be cooked on, or put through the dishwasher, however! So keep that in mind when you’re deciding what to do use the tray for. Ready to get started on this DIY project? Here are the steps!
Step One: Purchase Your Supplies
For this DIY project you will need:
- Cookie sheet
- Spray paint
- Decorative paper
- Damp paper towel or a small section of disposable sponge
- Newspaper
- Sponge brush
Step Two: Prepare the Tray
If you’re using a second hand tray, make sure it’s squeaky clean (no grease, crumbs, or rust). If you purchased a new tray, make sure all of the labels and any remaining glue is off of it. Next, lay down a layer of newspaper in a well ventilated area, and spray paint the tray. Wait for it to dry (according to directions on your paint), and then spray the other side. Repeat this process several times, until the paint looks even.
Step Three: Apply the Paper
Once the tray is painted, you will apply your creative design to it. You could use cut out pictures from magazines, photographs, cards, wrapping paper, or any other decorative paper that catches your eye. Paint the back of the paper with Mod Podge, and then stick it to the tray. Wipe away any excess glue that squeezes out around the edges. Finally, paint a layer of Mod Podge over the entire tray.
Now your project is complete. What could you use a pretty decorative tray for? Drop your ideas in the comments section, below!
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