Source: whaily.com
I had to laugh when I saw this clever idea for using hardcover book spines as a front for a storage box. I love reading ebooks, but I do miss having big bookshelves around. Somehow, a kindle sitting on the shelf doesn’t have nearly the same heart-warming effect as a row of thick and sturdy classics. This storage container could give your shelf that old-fashioned, cozy home library feel!
Take a few hard cover books and scoop out their innards. You can use an exact-knife to separate the pages from the spine. Use an already constructed wooden crate, or bang one together yourself from scrap wood. If you really feel in need of this shelf decor but can’t get your hands on a wooden crate, you could even use a cardboard box! It may not hold up over time, but it will be a funny piece to have in the meantime.
Next, glue your intellectual facade on the front side of your crate. Keep the front or back cover on the first and last books that you use in your row, so that the sides of your little storage crate are covered up. This would make a playful housewarming gift. You could also put this container in your vintage inspired lving room and fill it with your DVDs! Now wouldn’t that be ironic. Do you like this funny D.I.Y. idea? Leave a comment below!
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