Source: antiquesgaloregal.blogspot.com
Have you ever checked out the cookbook section of your local second-second hand store? Sometimes the cookbooks are scattered throughout the book section, and sometimes they have a home of their own. Thrift stores, flea-markets, or tag sales are amazing places to buy your cookbooks, because old-fashioned recipes are such a treat to cook with.
The wording in vintage cookbooks can be hilarious, and the steps are spelled out and make following the directions an adventure. You won’t see diet hacks or very many time-saving hacks, but you will find delicious recepies and wonderful kitchen savvy advice. Try out a retro appetizer recipe for your next vintage inspired cocktail party!
My five favorite vintage cookbooks are very common: The Joy Of Cooking (1946), Betty Crocker’s Cookbook: New and Revised Edition (1981), Better Homes and Gardens So-Good Meals (1963), Moosewood Cookbooks (first came out in 1977, but they are all good!), and The James Beard Cookbook (1961).
Peek through the book aisles next time you are browsing to see if your local shop has a few copies! You can also get them used on Amazon or other online vendors.
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Do you have any other recommendations? Let me know in the comments below!
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