You might be very aware of all the usual summer accessories. Beach bag? Check. Sunglasses, sunhats, and pretty necklaces? Check, check, check. But what about the accessories you didn’t even know you needed? These four items are not your every day accessories, but are so stylish and functional! I’ve included the reasons why I think you should add these off-the-beaten-path items to your list of summer must-haves.
1. Vintage Sunglass Chain

Sunglass lanyards are not just for fishing guides and old ladies. A beautiful, vibrant gold chain like the one above will add a warm, rich element to your look. Pair this with other gold items in your accessory-stash, like a large gold ring or pretty gold sandals. A gorgeous sunglass chain is also super practical. When you’re not wearing your shades, you’ll know just where they are!
2. Bohemian Barefooted Sandals

Have you heard of bohemian barefoot sandals? I bet you haven’t, but if you have, what do you think of them? I love the owl detail. This look is like an anklet and toe-ring combination times ten. If you often wear simple thong sandals or flats, consider putting on a pair of barefoot sandals first, and then slipping on your shoe. You can also wear theses ‘sandals’ barefoot at the beach!
3. Vintage Hair Comb

In the middle of a scorching hot day, you probably don’t want to be dealing with hair around your face. Sweep it up and out of your way with a pretty pin. Vintage hair pins are a common thrift shop item that can be used without any prep (except for a thorough wash in hot soapy water). A fancy, jeweled pin is a great way to get your hair ready for a summer evening date!
3. Hand Held Folding Fan

Hand held fans have virtually disappeared in our modern world. Even though no one really uses fans like these, it seems to me that we haven’t come up with any alternatives! So you might think about picking up the next folding fan that you find while at a flea-market, thrift shop, or tag sale. Tuck it in your purse, and the next time you feel hot take it out and cool off with style! Your friends will want to know where you got your pretty accessory so that they can get their own.
Now that you know about these items, keep your eyes out for them! Accessories serve to dress up an outfit or help us accomplish something. From adding some color to keeping track of your shades, these items fit the bill. Yes, there are reasons why some trends fade, but these four accessories are still practical, and look great! Trying out a unique accessory that no one else is rocking can boost yourself confidence. Your style is an outlet for expression. Self expression is a key for happiness! And after all, you are in charge of your own happiness, and no one else. Try out using one of these items, and let me know how it goes in the comments below!
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