A great deal of vintage selling occurs online these days. But if you aren’t into photographing and then managing the sale of your items online, you do have other options. Resellers and consignment stores may offer to give you cash up front or once the item is sold. You could also work out a trade, and take home some new-to-you duds in exchange for your old. Here are the four best places to bring your vintage items.
1. A Reseller

MichaelGaida / Pixabay
This is one of your best options if you are looking for fast cash. Unlike a consignment store (which we’ll talk about soon), resellers accept your used clothing and pay you a percentage of what it’s worth to them then and there. This means that you can walk in with a bag of clothing and walk out with money, in most cases.
Some businesses will only offer store credit, so it’s important to call ahead and ask about the store’s policy. Here are some national reseller chains to consider working with:
- Second Time Around
- Buffalo Exchange
- Crossroads Trading
- Beacon’s Closet
2. A Consignment Store

MiguelRPerez / Pixabay
A consignment store is different from a reseller because you will have to wait until the clothes are sold to get paid a percentage of the value. However, consignment stores tend to specialize in high-end vintage goods, so you might be able to collect more money per item. This is especially true if you have a rare item in great shape. Take it to a consignment store if your are willing to wait for your payment — it will be worth it in the end.
3. An Online Vintage Seller

sabinemondestin / Pixabay
Do you know anyone who runs an online vintage shop? This is a very popular side hustle these days, and if you’ve been a vintage enthusiast for a while you’ve likely made a few connections. Reach out and offer to sell your items to an individual who knows how to sell the item online. Or, you could learn how to do this yourself!
4. Thrift Shop

StockSnap / Pixabay
If you chose not to work with a reseller or consignment store, you might consider bringing your used items to a thrift store. Though you won’t get top-dollar for your items , you may be able to work out an exchange. This is a win-win if your true goal is to clean out your closet, and get some fresh pieces in exchange.
There are so many ways to sell your vintage clothing. Although the online space is booming right now, you always have the option of simply carrying your clothes to a shop in your area and bypassing all of the techy stuff. You could work with a reseller, consignment shop, or friend who has an online store. A thrift shop is always a good option as well. Have you had good luck selling clothes in the past? Tell us about it in the comments below!
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