If your closets are full or cash is low, it might be time to sell some of your vintage clothing. There is no hard and fast price-points for the items that you hope to sell, so your savvy as a seller will determine how much cash you receive. Don’t toss your beauties into a trash bag and cart them to the nearest thrift store. Instead, use the strategy I’ve outlined below to get the most money for each item that you hope to sell.
Clean And Repair Before Selling

MikesPhotos / Pixabay
It might seem counter-intuitive to put work or money into the clothing that you’re hoping to off-load. Shouldn’t the item be putting money into your wallet, not taking money out? But think of it this way. If you spend some time, energy, and possibly dollars on getting the piece into top shape, it can command more on resale. Your investment will pay off in the end.
Professional Presentation

Free-Photos / Pixabay
Presentation matters. Once you put in the work to get a piece of clothing into top shape, don’t stuff it into a bag or let it sit in your humid car for too long. Keep it in a temperature controlled, dry space until you go about reselling it. Fold and package it nicely when you take it into the store. If you are selling online, take high quality photos.
Convince Yourself Of The Value First

_Alicja_ / Pixabay
If you walk into a second-hand seller with the attitude that you have clothing to “get rid of”, the seller will be able to sense that. Have the attitude that your clothes are valuable, and the seller will pick up on it.
To have that attitude, you need to make sure you know what is special about the item. Is it trending now in the fashion scene? Is it rare? Are people paying a high price for similar items on sites like Amazon or eBay? Do a bit of research.
Know Your Numbers

jarmoluk / Pixabay
Compare the percentage that different shops in your area offer you for your used clothing items. Take some notes and see where you are getting the best payments. Treat your clothing resales as if it was a business, and know your numbers.
Do you feel that you’ve been getting good payments for the vintage clothes you sell, or do you wish you were getting more? Tell us about your experiences in resale below!
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