The thing about thrift stores is this — they are filled with items that someone didn’t want anymore. There are so many items in thrift stores that are worn, battered, stretched, smelly, and in other states of disrepair. However, hidden among the racks of junk, there are true treasures. Here are five tips for finding beautiful, high -quality used clothing that you will love for years to come.
Shop When You’re On Vacation
If you’re frustrated by the quality of vintage clothing in your local area, try driving an hour or two into a neighboring town. Visit towns that are known for being wealthy, and investigate their consignment shops. You might be pleasantly surprised! People in wealthy areas tend to give away beautiful clothing when it is still in top condition (or even with the tags still on).
A new spin on this trick is to visit consignment shops while you are on vacation. Even if you can’t squeeze any more clothing into your suitcase, you can always ship a package to yourself, from the local post office.
Shop Online
When you shop online, you are able to search through exponentially more items than if you are shopping in person. A downfall is that you will not be able to try the item on in advance. Because of this, you must have a clear idea about what you are looking for, before you start your online search.
Do some research, first. If you are shopping for a pair of great used designer jeans, for example, head to a consignment shop and try on similar pairs to see how the sizing works. Then you can start to compare prices and track down the perfect fit.
Look at Labels
If you’re intent on tracking down beautiful vintage pieces, you’d better start to get to know vintage labels. There are thousands, so you won’t learn them overnight. the Vintage Fashion Guild has an excellent free online resource, where you can look up clothing companies, see what their labels look like, and learn some background about the clothing.
If you are into one style or time period in particular, like jeans from the sixties for example, you can become familiar with the top brands very quickly. If you learn which companies produce high quality clothing that fits your body in a way you like, you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for when you go out on a hunt!
Here’s a word of caution: Don’t only look at clothing labels. There are plenty of rip offs out there! You also need to look at the quality of the clothing. That brings us to the next point…
Think Quality over Quantity
Instead of falling for the “fill a bag for two dollars!” sales at thrift shops, think about quality. Only take home items that fit you perfectly. Look of signs of high quality like intact seems, fabric that has not faded, or hand-crafted details.
Make Your Desires Known
If you have one clothing item in particular that you’re dying to get your hands on, let your local vintage sellers know. You could even give them your number, and ask for a call if they get that item in. If you bring your desires to their attention will they will be more likely to buy it and then put it up for resale.
Happy hunting, my friends! Did you like these tricks? Leave a comment below!
I love shopping for clothes at thrift stores, so I was thinking of going to one when I go on a trip next week. It’s good that you brought up the idea of shopping at consignment stores while we’re on vacation since we can always ship a package to ourselves from the local post office if we can no longer squeeze any more clothing into our suitcases. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind while I look for stores in the next town that sells women’s resale clothing.