It’s time to share some fabulous updates I’ve made to my most popular eBay collections!
I’ve been adding sweet things to the following collections:
Bags for Babes + Boys
A Piece of Plaid
Diamonds Are Forever
Apple Laptops, iPads and iPhones That Cost Less
Exercise Equipment for a Fit Year!
And wanted to make sure you knew about the updates!
So I’ve picked a few of my favorite updates from the collections to share with you here. I JUST added 3 more items per collection to keep them spruced up and looking sexy.
So without further ado … head on and over and check ’em out on my eBay collections page here!
Let me know what you think of my updates by sharing on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
with love, Sammy
Updated: Bags for Babes + Boys
The Collection
Where I Found It
Updated: A Piece of Plaid
The Collection
Where I Found It
Updated: Diamonds Are Forever
The Collection
Where I Found It
Updated: Apple Laptops, iPhones and iPads That Cost Less!
The Collection
Where I Found It
Updated: Fitness Equipment for a Fit Year!
The Collection
Where I Found It
eBay: Curate, Create, Collaborate! #finditfollowit

Follow me on eBay to see my latest updates to my collections!
I’ve curated more than 80 collections on eBay! You can receive updates to what I find and add by clicking here.
Updates post to your homepage newsfeed so that you’re always in “the follow” to discover my most cherished finds.
My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay and Style Coalition #FOLLOWITFINDIT
Very nice collection of ebay products.I liked the daimond ring most.
OMG! I love those pretty in pink plaid dress! And that bag, so so gorgeous!