Any closet vintage fanatics out there? You buy vintage items that you adore, but then feel a bit too self-conscious to wear them? I completely understand. I love the expressive side of fashion, but used to be really hung up about how to get over my fear of standing out. I’ve eased my vintage fashion social anxiety with a few useful tricks.
Confidence Booster One: Body Language Changes The Way You Feel

I learned this from a TED Talk, and wow has it made an impact on my life. If you haven’t seen Amy Cuddy’s presentation “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are”, you shoud definitely check it out. Studies show that your body posture changes the chemicals in your body and can either make you feel really confident, or really small and weak.
Try holding your spine straight and shoulders square, and see how you feel. Hold a Wonder Woman power pose (hands on hips, feet spread wide) for an bigger confidence boost.You can do this in the house before you go out so that you don’t feel like a weirdo!
Confidence Booster Two: No One Cares As Much As You Do

This might sound depressing at first, especially if you take a lot of care in planning out your outfits. However, if you really think about this it is incredibly freeing! People have a lot going on, and what you are wearing is going to be just a blip on their radar. Your fear of being judged in a big way is just a fantasy. This means that you can feel comfortable wearing whatever feels right to you, and makes you happy! Hallelujah!
Confidence Booster Three: I Am Worthy

The last but certainly not least confidence booster is just to recognize that you are worthy of self expression, feeling happy and feeling creative. Low self worth leads to low self esteem. If you work on your sense of self worth, your confidence will skyrocket! It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about you. What matter is that you love yourself!
I hope that these confidence boosters help you as much as they have helped me over the years! Have fun letting your vintage fashion light shine! You might inspire some other people to take themselves a little bit less seriously and try out some creative looks as well. Please drop a comment below to share what you do to feel confident in your vintage outfits!
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