Meditating in Central Park last summer, as seen on my Instagram feed
I discovered the power of strength in stillness a little over two years ago. On the outside I seemed fine – a happy, smiling, loving girl full of opportunity and excitement – but on the inside I was a ticking time bomb, ready to self-implode at any moment. I can remember crying myself to sleep at night wondering, “Is this it? Am I really supposed to live in such a constant state of stress, anxiety and worry over these amazing things I get to do?”
Thankfully I discovered the power of meditation after enrolling in a school called Philosophy Works in New York City and absorbing the wisdom of self development leaders like Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer and Gabby Bernstein.
Creating 15 minutes of stillness in the morning and 15 minutes of stillness at night not only sets my intentions for a day and evening of productivity in peace, but changes the world around me to be a more positive place because I’ve shifted my way of being from “stress” to “strength.”
What does this mean? Because I feel good, more good things effortlessly show up in my life. It’s when we relax “in the know” that everything we need and desire magically “shows up.” Which is why this collection as featured on eBay is called Meditation Magic for Your Soul.Magic is not this hocus pocus, abra cadabra type thing. Magic is created because we believe in ourselves and when we believe in ourselves, we are relaxed in the moment and fully aware of its infinite possibilities. Meditation allows this higher consciousness rooted in a relaxed, focused state to emerge. We notice things we didn’t before, we feel better than we did before, and we create more than we did before. All because we are more fully present and therefore totally, 100 percent living to our highest potential as miracles born on this planet.
Do you meditate already, and are looking for a refreshing look at how to better incorporate it into your life? Do you want to start meditating but have no idea how to get started and are thinking, “Heck, Sammy, what is stillness anyway?!”
No matter who you are or where you are in your practice, the best moment to begin meditating is now. Which is why I encourage you to visit my collection Meditation Magic for Your Soul to find my recommendations for everything you need to keep meditating or simply to get started.
Want a sneak peek before hoping over to eBay? Here’s my three favorite things for meditation magic. Adding to the Christmas list or perhaps, just relaxing in the know that in due time, I can and will effortlessly receive them.
Do you meditate already? Share with me in the comments below, or by saying hi on Instagram, Facebook or Twitter.
with love, SD

CLICK HERE to check out my collection, Meditation Magic for the Soul, on eBay now!
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Read: Success Through Stillness
The Book: Success Through Stillness, a guide to meditation by Russell Simmons.
The founder of Def Jam harnesses the power of meditation daily. He’s a business conglomerate whose actualized a reality of abundance thanks to stillness. Success grows when we do not just “do” but find strength in stillness to “allow.”
Where to Buy It: Find it on eBay for $10.29
Find it in my collection Meditation Magic for the Soul on eBay now!
Listen: I Am Guided Meditation Audiobook

If you’re familiar with Dr. Wayne Dyer than you’re familiar with his soothing voice of deliberate inspiration and motivation to positive action. The self-development leader has left a legacy that is everlasting, including this audiobook on affirming your true self through the power of meditation.
Where to Buy It: Find it on eBay for $7.67
Find it in my collection Meditation Magic for the Soul on eBay now!
Sit: Decorative Meditation Pillow

Where to Buy It: Find it on eBay for $19.69
Find it in my collection Meditation Magic for the Soul on eBay now!
Learn: Guided Meditation – Self-Esteem Relaxation Meditation
Robert, also known as The Stranger Speaks, is a practiced meditator whose vision for the world is to actualize self-love, compassion and unity through the power of stillness.
You don’t need to “watch” the video to be guided through a meditation. Simply follow his instructions (and soothing voice!) to find your own inner rest which revitalizes and relaxes you all in the same moment.
Subscribe to The Stranger Speaks here!
My eBay Collections were curated as part of my collaboration with eBay and Style Coalition #FOLLOWITFINDIT
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