“Ever After” is a long time, and with proposals like these you know every minute will be well spent. Here are the top wedding proposal ideas we found around the web.
Whether you’re looking for inspiration for the perfect marriage proposal, or you’re feeling a little lovesick –these marriage proposals are sure to move and inspire you.
Today’s contemporary wedding engagements are just as much about expressing passion through a traditional wedding engagement ring, as they are about the delivery.
The Glee Proposal
Alright, so this creative wedding proposal may not actually be inspired by Glee, however it left us tapping our feet and smiling with shiny eyeballs.
Requiring over 60 people to enact and lip sync to Bruno Mars’ “Marry You”, this Broadway musical-quality wedding proposal took place in a residential street and included friends and family members.
From Gizmodo: On Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012, I told my girlfriend to meet me at my parent’s house for dinner. When she arrived I had stationed my brother to sit her in the back of an open Honda CRV and give her some headphones. He “wanted to play her a song”… What she got instead was the world’s first Live Lip-Dub Proposal. Enjoy!
The Flash Mob
Google defines a flash mob as a “big public gathering of people at which they perform an unusual or seemingly random act and then suddenly disperse, typically organized in secret or in closed sessions by means of the Internet or social media”.
A good flash mob will strike like lighting and dissipate almost as quickly as it broke out, and be undeniably memorable –and what more memorable than to pair a flashmob with a marriage proposal?
This choreographed wedding proposal takes place in the most unlikely of places: a Home Depot, in the lumber aisle.
Sent on a mission for light fixtures, led down the wrong aisle and bam! Flashmob. Think he saw the light?
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4HpWQmEXrM
The Move Trailer
This one’s been done more than once, yet I don’t think anyone being proposed to this way would find it old or unwelcome.
Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/movie-trailer-marriage-proposal/
The plan goes a little like this: “Proposer” makes plans to meet “Proposee” at the movies and they show up a little bit late. Meanwhile, Proposee sits through the previews, and the Proposer slips in a film trailer of their own creation. At the end of the trailer, the Proposer comes out looking like a bloody hero, and everyone in the theatre asserts unnecessary peer pressure on the Proposee to wed the Proposer.
The peer pressure is unnecessary because who wouldn’t want to marry someone with that kind of cajoles?
The Premeditated, Knew-It-From-the-Start, Around the World Proposal
Yes, folks. This is the longest lasting wedding proposal in the history of wedding proposals; hat tip to the lad for his stamina and commitment. Starting from the day after their first date, across 26 countries and spanning 4 years, this proposal takes the cake. I wonder if he had stayed longer in Australia, he would have looked for a special engagement ring. He would have surely found vintage engagement rings for sale in Australia.
Lip syncing to 500 Miles by The Proclaimers, this young man captures a little more of his ballad with every journey he takes with his lady love.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsz2Noi925M
The Pop Culture Question Pop
Pop Culture darlings and avid fans alike can all appreciate a high profile, adrenaline packed marriage proposal –and that’s just what they got with this X Factor USA episode.
As unexpected as they are crowd-pleasing, everyone can appreciate the courage it takes to get up on live national television and profess love and commitment to a significant other.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mz8trXgesh0
Ok, so maybe not so unexpected: It happened on X Factor Australia, too.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZJ3O4rjdfs
“This article is contributed by Media Buzzer”
Vintage Times says
Worth reading this article and vintage jewellery makes a wedding even more epic.