The starring ladies of Mad Men

Joan is a seductive secretary in solids

Betty loves floral

Peggy pulls the school girl look

The inspiration for Bridget – purple!

Peggy as copywriter steps up her style

Betty sticks to solids for formal wear

Peggy & Betty in florals, Joan in solid
The stylish women of Mad Men have become a Halloween phenomena this year.
In talking with my vintage mentor June yesterday, she mentioned that girls at the Brooklyn Flea were pulling out her “ugly dresses” to channel their inner Peggy-Betty-Joan.
Expect to see more 60s on the streets this year – or at your local bar or house party – than that sickening post-Austin Powers revival about a decade back.
Dressing like one of the ladies from Mad Men? [even a side character?] Send me a picture. Do like the Mad Men do — it’s all about the advertorial publicity.
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