Have you and your partner hit a rut on date-nights? Dinner and a movie might be a fun night out, but it gets boring after a while. Bring your love for all things vintage into your relationship. Even if your honey doesn’t love vintage culture as much as you do, they’ll still have a blast doing something that is different and new. Try out one of these throw-back date ideas.
1. Drive-In Movies
This is a fun idea for the summer-time, when you can stretch out on sleeping bags in front of the car!
2. Diner Date

terimakasih0 / Pixabay
Find a local old-fashioned diner and spend the evening sipping milk-shakes and listening to songs on the Jukebox.
3. Country Fair

jill111 / Pixabay
Do you live in a state where a country fair comes to town once or twice a year? These simple events make for a great date night. Get some cotton candy and ride on the roller coaster.
4. Roller Skating
Dress up in fabulous seventies style and hit the roller rink. Tip the employees so that they play your favorite disco songs over the loud-speakers.
5. Swing Dancing Class

Bernard-Verougstraete / Pixabay
Have you ever thought about signing up for dance lessons? You’ll likely have your pick of styles. Swing is an especially fun era of dance, but you can follow your instincts.
6. Watch The Sunset

poszarobert / Pixabay
Forget about modern worries by watching the sun sink below the horizon. Sunsets will always be a source of romance. The good news is that the sun sets every single night, and admission is completely free!
7. Ice-Cream Parlor
Some sweet shops have a distinct vintage feel. Check out your local ice-cream parlors and see if you can find one that makes you feel like you are stepping back in time.
Don’t get into a rut with your date night routine. Shake things up by adding in a touch of vintage love to your date night. This will give you new places to wear favorite vintage outfits, and you’ll create a memorable experience that you and your honey can share for a lifetime! What was the last date that you went on? Share your answer in the comments below!
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