Do you ever wish you had an office? Paper work piles up, or you start a new project that really deserves a designated work space. Don’t put the dream of having your own office off until a date in the future when you have a bigger house. You can create a home office now, with the space that you have. All you need is a few supplies and some time to clean and re-organize!
Find A Little Space

You only need a few square feet for your office area. A closet, corner of the room, or shelf can do the trick. Clean out this space of everything that occupies it. Find or purchase a piece of storage furniture for your office. This will depend on what kind of space you are working with. For instance, if you are working in a closet, a full desk likely won’t fit. However, a small shelf might! Do what you can.
Decorate The Walls

webandi / Pixabay
One of the most important aspects of your office is the intention that you set for the space. Make the office into a designated space by posting the right materials on the walls. A hanging folder system, wall calendar, or even your highest diploma might serve as great “intention-setters”.
Fill Your Space

Now that you have a clean space that is decorated as an office, it is time to fill it with your office “equipment”. Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, desk-top computer, or scanner. All you really need to get started is what you already have. Some kind of a filing system is an excellent addition and can be purchased cheaply. A laptop and books are also great additions!
It is also important to have a proper temperature in your home office, especially in the summer. Check out this guide on the different desk fans that will help you to find the perfect one for you.
Imagine how wonderful it will feel to have a special space just for your office work! Whether you work at home or just desire a space in your home for your personal projects, an office can help you stay on track and organized. This space doesn’t have to be a whole room. Use half of a closet, or a corner of your bedroom to get started. Post a comment once your office is complete!
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